Popped down to the Farm late this afternoon and saw 9 species of Odonata - Red Veined Darter, Broad Bodied Chaser, Black Tailed Skimmer, Emperor, 4 Spotted Chaser, Azure Damselfly, Common Blue Damselfly, Blue Tailed Damselfly and Beautiful Damsel. Also found a new adder - 1st year baby boy I think!
Not sure if the RVD emerged from the Farm as it was an adult male. Any comments are welcome.
Teneral Black Tailed Skimmer |
Common Blue Damselfy |
Common Blue Damselfly |
1 Year old Adder |
The Adder above is definitely a first year snake - not certain of the sex but the tapering of the tail makes me think male?
Anyway my 15th individual at the reserve this year.